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Contents of Hormonal Methods

Hormonal Methods



99% Perfect Use

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A vaginal ring, commonly referred to as NuvaRing, is a form of a reversible, hormonal method of birth control. It is a small, flexible ring inserted high into the vagina once every 28 days. The ring is kept in place for 21 days and removed for a 7-day break to allow for menstruation. It may be removed during the 3 week period, but it must be returned within three hours to ensure success. It must be inserted on the same day of the week as it was on the previous cycle. The ring releases synthetic estrogen and progestin, preventing ovulation in a manner similar to those of other combined hormonal contraceptives. The vaginal ring is prescribed by a doctor.


Many women who use the ring have more-regular, lighter, and shorter periods. A woman can stop using the ring at any time, offering her more control over contraception than with some other hormonal methods of birth control. The ring provides a consistent release of hormones and does not usually cause weight gain.


The side effects of the ring are similar to those associated with oral contraceptives. Additionally, there may be a slight increased risk of blood clots. Vaginal wetness, sensation of a foreign body, expulsion, and headaches may also occur. The ring should not be used by women who have weak pelvic floor muscles.

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Bottom right image:,or.r_qf.&bvm=bv.47244034,d.aWc&fp=21ead74bfc418eac&biw=882&bih=907&facrc=_&