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Contents of Components of Skill-Related Physical Fitness (2)

Components of Skill-Related Physical Fitness (2)

Children jumproping

Lecture Notes

The third component is coordination, using multiple senses to perform activities smoothly and efficiently. The example in the picture is two young ladies jumping rope between two jump ropes. They're combining their sight of the ropes, the sound of the ropes hitting the ground, and other information taken in via their senses, to jump at the appropriate time without hitting those ropes. The fourth component is power, and here we're talking about the application of both speed and strength to produce a muscular movement. One way to train power is by moving a moderate amount of weight very quickly through an athletic movement. So think about athletes, two athletes, passing a medicine ball back and forth very quickly to each other or doing jumps, one athlete doing jumps with that medicine ball. Not as much weight as the athlete could jump with, but a weight that allows them to practice jumping very quickly with that weight. Powerful movements are important for many, many different aspects in athletic performance.