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Contents of Behavioral CQ

Behavioral CQ

Lecture Notes

The last component of cultural intelligence is behavioral cultural intelligence, or CQ. That's a person's capability to adapt verbal and nonverbal behavior on their own, so it's appropriate for different cultures. For example, it's how fast you can learn how polite or direct you should be, how you can walk. These are things that are cultural. How far do you stand from a person when you speak to them? In some cultures, you stand very close to a person, even if you don't know them. If you do that in another culture, you'll make a person uncomfortable, and they'll keep backing up. It goes back to having a flexible repertoire of behavioral responses that are appropriate in a variety of situations. Having the capacity to modify both verbal and nonverbal behavior based on the interaction in a setting that you're involved in. Again, it's something that can be trained to a certain degree, how to behave in different cultures, especially if you prepare someone for interacting and operating in a specific culture.