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Contents of Schemas


Lecture Notes

Let's first talk about schemas. You'll very likely remember schemas from Chapter 12-Human Development.  Remember, schemas provide general structure, allow us to hold information together to an overall organization. There are concepts and a way for various things in the world around us;  and if you remember from Chapter 7-Memory, the act of remembering sometimes  requires an active process of construction or building things back together from our memory; and as we do that, as we're recalling information, we're using those schemas to bring everything back together. So if I was to ask you about your schema of a family, immediately you would start to construct those details of what a family is to you. Likewise if I asked you about the basic structure of telling a story or how a game of baseball works, you would no doubt be able to relay that information because of the schemas you've developed about those things. Well let's take a look at another example.