Chicago's Fifty Years of Powwows

<Adapted from the book of the same name>


Women's Traditional Dance


Depending on the individual's tribe, this dance includes more than one dance style. In this dance, women wear either buckskin or cloth regalia. Both styles carry a shawl folded over an arm, and carry an eagle feather fan. Additionally, outfits vary according to tribal background. The Women's Traditional Dance is one that requires much skill to stay in perfect rhythm; stepping lightly, slightly `bobbing' up and down, and allowing the fringe on their dresses and shawls to sway gracefully.

Follow this link to see some Women's Traditional Dancers in action.

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Edith Johns, ca. 1985.


Vanny Wheelock. NAES College Powwow, Mather Park, 2002


Women's Traditional Dancers, Grand Entry, Univeristy of Illinois at Chicago. 2003.


Women's Traditional Dancers, Grand Entry, Univeristy of Illinois at Chicago. 2003.


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The book Chicago's Fifty Years of Powwow has many more photos and offers insights that are not presented in this Online Essay. To obtain a copy of your own, follow this offsite link to the webpage for the Chicago American Indian Center.



   Department of Anthropology
   copyright © 2002 University of Illinois, All rights reserved.
Questions and Comments to Brenda Farnell