Miami Tribe of Oklahoma v Rex Walden et. al. |
June 2, 2000, [insert original case] the Miami Tribe of Oklahoma filed
suit against 25 Illinois landowners seeking the “recognition of
[the Miami Tribe of Oklahoma’s] ownership interest in trust, and
the recovery of physical possession of those portions of land wrongfully
held by the respective defendants, of an approximate 2,648,420 acre tract
land within Champaign, Clark, Coles, Crawford, Cumberland, Douglas, Edgar,
Effingham, Ford, Iroquois, Jasper, Moultrie, Livingston, Shelby, and
Counties, Illinois (the Miami Wabash Watershed Tribal Lands within Illinois)
to which it is entitled under federal law and U.S. Treaty commitments. |
The History of the Miami Wabash Watershed
Tribal Lands
In 1795 the Treaty
of Greenville (7 Stat. 49) established a boundary line
between the territory of the United States located east of
the Mississippi River for which Indian title had been relinquished
and Indian lands which had not been relinquished. |
Ten years later (1805),
the Treaty of Grouseland (7 Stat.
91) ceded Miami lands farther east in favor of lands in Ohio, Indiana
Illinois. The United States government recognized the exclusive title,
ownership, and right to possession of lands located in the Wabash Watershed
in parts of what are now Ohio, Indiana, and Illinois by the Miami Tribe
and agreed “that no part of the lands guaranteed to the Miami Tribe
by treaty could be transferred without the express consent of the Miami
Treaties under which Miami ceded
lands of the Miami Wabash Watershed Tribal Lands: (exepting 2.6 million
acres in east/central Illinois):

Removal of the Miami Tribe, 1846" by John Fitzgibbon
In 1846, the Miami Tribe was
forcibly moved to Miami County, Kansas which split the tribe into
Eastern (Indiana) and Western Miamis (Oklahoma). The 148 Indiana Miamis
remaining scattered along the Upper Wabash Valley of Indiana from
to Fort Wayne. Eight years later (1854), the U.S. Senate signed a treaty
recognizing the Indiana Miamis as a nation separate from the Miami
of Oklahoma. |
to settle a local tax case in 1897, the US Department of Justice declared
the Miami Tribes of Oklahoma
and Indiana as citizens of the US. Subsequently, the Department of the
Interior withdrew federal recognition for the Indiana Miamis as a tribe,
effectively terminating the tribe.
In 1966, through an appeal to the
Indian Claims Commission, the Peoria and Kickapoo Tribes receive acknowledgement
to their title claim on lands
in Western Indiana and Eastern Illinois (Royce Areas 73 and 74) which
sets a precedent for Native peoples attempting to reclaim their lands.
Thirty years later (1996), the Miami Tribe of Oklahoma initiates discussion
with state administration under Governor Jim Edgar. “The Miami Tribe
maintains that, the United States government, through its General Land
Office, sold property located in the Miami Wabash Watershed Trial Lands
within Illinois to white settlers. The Miami Tribe further alleges that
the United States Government sold that property without adopting a treaty
or convention as Federal law required, without the adoption of a statue
expressly and specifically extinguishing the Miami Tribe’s title
to the Wabash Watershed Trial Lands within Illinois and without the consent
of the Miami Tribe.”
Miami Tribe of Oklahoma sued 25 landowners in Illinois District Court
on June 2, 2000. Almost all
initial coverage of the lawsuit by local media outlets noted the possibility
that the suit was motivated by the Miami Tribe’s desire for land
to use as a casino in Illinois as they had done in Kansas three years
earlier. |
(Photo courtesy of the Champaign-Urbana News Gazette)
A 98 year-old landowner from Urbana, Illinois, Rex
Walden is the lead defendant in the land claim by the Miami.
In response, on March
30, 2001, the State of Illinois
motioned to dismiss the case for lack of jurisdiction. In their brief,
the State “believe[d]
that it [wa]s entitled to intervene because resolution of the suit could
deprive it of its sovereignty and jurisdiction over the Wabash Watershed
Lands, including its power to regulate and tax activities on that land.”
The Illinois Attorney General stated, “The Miami Tribe makes much
of the fact that it is not coercing Illinois into federal court by seeking
money or other property from it, some of the hazards sought to be avoided
by the eleventh amendment. However, although the Miami Tribe does not
expressly seek in this suit to take money or real estate from Illinois,
the suit, by its very nature, seeks to remove at least part of the Wabash
Watershed Lands from the area over which Illinois exercises sovereignty
and convert it to tribal land. The implications of such a conversion
far greater than those of a mere transfer of ownership between private
citizens or even between a private citizen and a tax-exempt organization.” In
essence, the State claimed it would loose the revenue from land and
income taxes paid by individuals residing on Wabash Treaty Lands. The
Miami Tribe of Oklahoma was granted an extension to
respond to the State of Illinois’ allegations.
Although dismissed on June
14, 2001 due to the failure
by either parties to motion for summary judgement, which expedites the
court decision, the Miami Tribe of Oklahoma continues to assert their
rights to the Wabash Watershed Tribal Lands.
On May 9,
2002, Illinois State Representative
Tim Johnson sponsored a bill that would allow the Miami Tribe to sue
federal government for land claims instead of individual landowners.
Miami Tribe of Oklahoma v Rex Walden et. al.
Miami Casino Development in Indiana and Kansas |
The Miami Tribe of Indiana and
Federal Recognition
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