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KIN 249: Lecture 7.1

Text and Images from Slide

The Mascot Issue . . .

Young girl protesting "We are Humans not Mascots"

Young girl protesting "We are Humans not Mascots"

Native American sports mascots

Native American sports mascots

Redskinds mascot

Redskins mascot

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Lecture Notes

For a more specific example of institutionalized racism that persists today, we need only look to sport mascots who rely on American Indian stereotypes. From the Braves, to Chief Illini, these images and representations of American Indians are harmful. As the image above explains: "we're humans, not mascots." And yet, even though American Indian peoples have expressed frustration, anger and good logical arguments for the removal of these stereotyped images, mascots persist. As Giulianotti argues: "such crude signifiers demean native American culture, and reflect its custodian' subaltern position within American society" (Giulianotti, 67).