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KIN122- Chapter 5

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Sample Weight Training Programs


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This chart really shows you some sample weight training programs, and it gives you a sense of if you have a particular goal, what are the number of repetitions, the number of sets, and then also the resistance, the percentage of your one-rep max, and how much rest should you take. So there are many different factors that go into designing an exercise program, and this chart really helps you narrow down, based on your goal, what types of sets, reps, resistance and rest should you be taking. And so you should notice a couple things here; for improving muscular endurance you'll be doing a higher number of repetitions with a lower amount of weight compared to a program if your goal was to improve muscular strength. You should also note that with increasing intensity, so as you increase the weight that you're lifting, the rest between your sets also increases. So there are many different components that you can manipulate here, and you should be pretty familiar with how these components work together.