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KIN122- Chapter 5

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Designing Your <br />Resistance Training Program (4)

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The final component of the fit formula that's important for your resistance training program are the type of activities that you choose, and you really have lots of different options when it comes to resistance training. You can choose to use your own body weight, so, for example, push-ups, chin-ups, sit-ups, leg lunges that you're not using weights, all those are great examples of using your own body weight to create resistance. You can also use free weights like dumbbells or barbells, often gyms have machines you can use that simulate these movements with free weights and barbells. And it's recommended that you choose multi-joint exercises, or exercises where your body must change the angles of more than one joint. So, for example, in a push-up, that motion affects the muscles of your shoulder, your arms, your chest. That's recommended over single-joint exercises because it incorporates more than one muscle group, so you're training more than one muscle at the same time, and it's a pretty efficient way to do a resistance training program. So lots of different options when it comes to choosing the type of activity and, in particular, the type of resistance that you use.