Gender Schemas: <br />Exaggerating Differences
Culture exaggerates or creates differences between females and males when they may be minimal or nonexistent. This is done by creating a schema. Gender schemas are interrelated ideas which help information processing by categorizing in a variety of ways.
Schemas emphasize the male and female dichotomy, undermining and undervaluing the uniqueness of the individual. They are used in many life dimensions, for example, activities, emotions, behavior, clothing, and even colors. Being nurturing, having compassion, playing with dolls, wearing dresses, and even colors of pink are associated with women. On the other hand, fighting, having anger, playing with action figures, wearing pants, and the color of blue is associate with being male.
Gender schemas are important in cultures. They make multiple associations between gender and other non-sex-linked qualities, like affection and strength. They make gender distinctions important, and they are used as a basis for norms, status, taboos, and privileges. Men have leadership positions and are sexually assertive, and women are homemakers and are sexually passive. These are the schemas associated with genders in our culture.