Masturbation in Adulthood
Masturbation occurs over a lifetime. Children accidentally discover playing with their genitals and find it to be pleasurable. But it is important to know that a neutral and nonjudgmental parental reaction to masturbation of children and adolescents is very important in sexual development. There are also gender differences which result from social conditioning and communication. Boys are taught to discuss masturbation, and girls are taught to repress and hide it, which can also translate into adulthood. Of course there are gender differences in how we masturbate. Women utilize clitoral stimulation with their fingers, rubbing against an object or vibrator. The rubbing or stimulation tends to increase prior to orgasm and to continue during orgasm. This can also be accompanied by the stimulation of the vulva, breasts, nipples, and anal area, or the insertion of objects into the vagina. Men typically grasp the penis and stroke at the shaft with an up and down or circular movement of the hand. This is so that the edge of the corona around the glans and the frenulum on the underside are stimulated. Variations occur in how much pressure is applied, how rapid the strokes would be, and how many fingers are used, as well as where they are placed. The breasts, testicles, and anus can also be stimulated during masturbation and the stroking increases prior to ejaculation and then slows or stop during ejaculation. Masturbation can also continue after marriage. The reasons for masturbation continuing after marriage varies. Of course it is pleasurable, but there also may be a partner that is away or unwilling to have sexual intercourse. Masturbation could also occur if a sexual intercourse is not satisfying or the partners fear personal sexual inadequacy. Masturbation can also be used to act out fantasies in relationships, release tension, or used as an emotional protection during conflict. Image from McGraw-Hill Image Library